European Cookies Policy

This website, like most others, uses cookies to help the site function and track visitor numbers. ‘Cookies’ are small text files stored by your computer or smartphone browser that enable the site to store information about your visit and your preferences. Our cookies allow the site to work correctly in such areas as registration and are also used for anonymous site traffic and advert counting.

Cookies that may be used on TACO website, all:

  • Anonymous analytics cookies (by Google Analytics) help us gather various anonymous information about the number of people visiting the site and what they do when they get there and so on.
  • Information about the login of the user (to allowing it to access its algorithms results).
  • other third party cookies may be used for functions such as social media sharing, enabling the third parties to measure the activity.
No advertisement or other third party cookies are used, this information is included as requirement of the GDPR compliance for being deleloped in a European country (Spain).

Turning Cookies off All modern browsers have settings in their preferences/options menus that enable you to prevent your computer storing cookies. This may limit some websites’ functionality. Google Analytics has created a Google Analytics Opt-out plug-in for most popular browsers to selectively block Google Analytics cookies.